Friday, November 9, 2007

We aren't jurisprudes!

"Ann, what about our reputations should these pictures find their way online? What about Helen? She'd be likely to break out the big black strap-on and peg me for hours! Indeed!"

"Shut it and hurry up already, you fool. My wine's sitting on that bookshelf over next to the camera."


Thers said...

I'm not a prude, and Althouse is a vicious fool.

Take this down. It crosses the line.

X. Chopper said...

What line is that, Thers? Seriously, fuck Althouse and her vapid, mean, drunk vanity. She deserves worse.

There will be more to come, and it won't all be Althouse related, so you can unbunch your knickers.

Carl said...


Because clearly this isn't Althouse. Her tits are saggier and bigger.

M. Bouffant said...

Jurisprudes, if you please.
Not the way you have it.
No point in being embarrassed by spelling errors when the Divine Ms. Vortex comes looking for her apology.
"Take this down. It crosses the line." Huh? What line? And why can't one cross the line, if it exists?

X. Chopper said...

Thanks. My spelling sucks ass.